Personality Profile

Highlighted & relevant personality traits within a work-context.

  • Predictive of outcomes in distant future
  • Naturally High Creativity
  • The best team player you can find
  • Highly Empathic
  • Drawback: In depth questions can be exhausting (very annoying) to other team members.

 Personality test results (12/03-2024)

  • Extraverted - readily enjoy group activities and value social interaction. They tend to be outwardly enthusiastic and express their excitement
  • Intuitive - Imaginative, open-minded, and curious. Value originality and focus on hidden meanings and distant possibilities.
  • Feeling - Places a lot of importance on empathy, social harmony, and cooperation.
  • Prospecting individuals are very good at improvising and adapting to
    opportunities. They tend to be flexible nonconformists who value novelty above stability.